Daily Habits To Decrease Risk Of Dementia

Dementia can impact the health of the mind and body is a significant health risk reducing the quality of life leading to mental and cognitive difficulties. Dementia is classified as a neurodegenerative disease impact day-to-day living through personality changes, cognitive impairment, communicative skills, and memory loss. There are certain activities that can increase the risks of dementia that you should try to avoid. 

Having a balanced diet will help maintain brain health and the B12 vitamin also plays a key role in mental health. People with lower B12levels tend to induce symptoms like memory loss that can also exacerbate the development of dementia in individuals. B12 doesn’t have a direct impact on memory but is an important nutrient to incorporate into any diet that is good for the health of the brain and body. 

Another factor that can contribute to dementia is poor attention and diligence to heart health. People who follow poor cardiac preventative measures can result in a higher risk of cognitive decline that can lead to dementia. Having poor heart health can lead to other health complications such as diabetes, poor lung health, and high blood pressure that is also tied to poor brain health over time as you age. 

A sedentary lifestyle can also contribute to dementia and exercising can help maintain overall health. Incorporating exercise in your lifestyle will help decrease the risk of declining mental health with the benefits of preventing other degenerative diseases. You can start out slow dedicating 30-40 minutes every day if possible, to exercising or meditation that will help maintain mental health. 

Social isolation can be a huge impact with negative health effects that impacts cognitive health with studies indicating an acute risk of anxiety and stress. Prolonged isolation affects brain health resulting in a higher risk of the early development of dementia. Having a positive outlook while engaging in social aspects within your community will help maintain physical and mental health. 

Missing a good night’s sleep might result in a less productive day but also can create a long-term impact on mental and physical health. Getting enough sleep helps the body by recharging vital organs including the brain and without it the body functions on a lower energy level. Lack of sleep can result in poor mental health with difficulties in memory cognition, thinking, and retention. 

One of the biggest factors in avoiding dementia is limiting alcohol intake. Alcohol is a neurotoxin that can result in brain atrophy that causes an onset of early-stage memory loss. To maintain optimal health benefits, try limiting alcohol intake to 1-2 drinks per day and stay aware of risk factors.