Prune Wellness Benefits Supported By Science

Prunes boast a high level of antioxidants and other goodies that can boost your health in so many different ways. The health benefits of prunes are many and varied. Not only are prunes high in antioxidants, but they also have significant amounts of fiber, minerals, and vitamins that can take your health to the next level.  

In one research paper, Pennsylvania State University researchers investigated the link between prunes, bone health, gut health, inflammation, and oxidative stress. They collected the results of 18 studies. Analyzing the data contained therein, they found that there is a direct association between prune consumption and bone health.  

They proposed that further research be carried out to investigate the mechanism and pathways through which prunes can positively impact bone health with a reduction in inflammatory molecules and oxidate stress reduction.  

They also suggested that gut microbiome changes may also be responsible for the positive effects of prunes on bone health. They suggested that relevant pathways and mechanisms be identified in this regard as well to fully understand how prunes positively impact bone health, particularly in post-menopausal women.  

The positive effects of prunes on bone health are not just limited to post-menopausal women. One study carried out by researchers at the San Diego State University found that prune consumption can also benefit older men as well.  

Prunes and plums have high levels of antioxidants. These are health imparting molecules that can boost your health by reducing free radical damage to your cells. Since antioxidants reduce inflammation, they can bring down the risk of various chronic diseases that are driven by high inflammation.  

According to studies, prunes have high levels of polyphenols that are beneficial antioxidants for bone health, plus they reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. There are studies to indicate that antioxidants contained in prunes can prevent cell damage that may cause disease.  

Anthocyanins are another extremely promising group of antioxidants that prunes have in abundance. According to studies, these powerful anti-inflammatory substances have a range of positive health effects such as mitigating cancer and heart disease risk.  

Although prunes have substantial amounts of carbohydrates, they do not seem to cause big swings in blood sugar. One reason for this may be due to their ability to increase adiponectin levels – this is a hormone that controls blood sugar. The high fiber content also plays a key role in controlling blood sugar levels post prune consumption.  

The health benefits of prunes mean that they can be a useful part of a healthy diet. So, you can incorporate them in various ways to boost your health and stabilize your blood sugar.